Illegal sex with widow aunt – Desi Sex Stories

Indian sex stories

I (amar) will be 14 or 15 then Calcutta was not as good as it is now There were 3 buses in the morning and afternoon Grandfather admitted me to boarding school because I was very naughty Dada was then a BSF lieutenant During the boarding holidays, we used to go to our younger aunt’s house to spend holidays Mother used to work in the government, so she used to send us to Sunu Di whenever there was time. We loved the place surrounded by mountains. . Rita Meso’s younger sister It wasn’t particularly big for us to be in year 5 english sex stories

She could sing as sweetly as she looked Our youth was happily spent playing Masi’s name was very modern My aunt was 13 years younger than my mother Even though the name is Roma, everyone used to call Masika as Rama He loved us a lot And the final cooking was by hand So in fact he used to eat litchi pudding, marmalade, some fish kalia, pineapple chutney to his heart’s content. What he used to make was delicious Meso was a business After that we moved to Barrackpore and my father was transferred The golden days of childhood float in the eyes

I used to call Sunudi After returning from Bihar, contact with Sunudi or great aunt was lost There was almost no communication without letters And the phone came to our house much later 4 years after the transfer of the father, the mother was also transferred Our busy lives continue The memories are fading

After finishing school, finishing college, leaving university, I grew up like a tree Both parents have retired and taken shelter of grandfather Grandpa’s two children Dada is very happy with his family As I (ami) was younger, the responsibility was less on me (amar). At the age of 27, marriage can be done but there was not much pull towards marriage Ever since Dada Ambala left I(ami) became a bit more reckless There was no dearth of money due to high posts in good banks Even if Baba came once or twice a year, Ambala would go back because of their attachment to Dada’s children.

Mother wanted us all to stay together but it was not possible In the era of mobile or phone, there was no distance now I liked Sonali but did not think of her as a wife Sometimes he spends whole Sunday in my (amar) flat And my (amar) Sunday would turn into a very adulterous Sunday I (amar) used to pass the time by having sex or playing perverted sex games Sonali was such a girl He learned everything at a young age due to studying in an English school Sucking with the mouth may not be able to resist Sonali would marry me (amake) or love me (amake) and I (amar) did not have a relationship. Where were we complementary to each other? And in the office oh my (amar) subordinate Even though the days passed by, I understood the meaning of enjoyment in life After a few days I came to know that Dada will stay in Delhi and is buying a house there Grandpa needed a lot of money to buy a house to take care of his two sons and daughters mother Baba (baba) poured their accumulated money behind grandfather’s house Dada bought a house and became a resident of Delhi Even if he did not rule like before, he had to listen to the lecture on the phone once a week They also got up for my (amar) wedding In my (amar) flat in Barrackpore, my (amar) arranged empire was covered in thick fog. When the news came that the person had been cheated by Meso’s friends on the way because of past enmity The most surprising thing is that Meso did not even want to tell all these things at home Ritadi got married in Bihar but the people of her in-laws house were not very kind So they refused to help Mesomshai The loan could not be paid even by selling such a beautiful house in Meso In such a situation, Meso chose to commit suicide Little Aunty’s life is almost hell now with the burden of debt and the pain of creditors all around They have a daughter, Diptamita is just after class 10th Meso Dun admitted him to the school by spending a lot of money Now Roma aunt is sitting with her hands on her head! It felt very bad Such a good person to meet But what irony of fate The order of parents came from Delhi In such circumstances only orders come to me (amar). Indian sex stories

You earn a lot, you keep aunty with you, such a big flat, what will you do alone, instead of that aunty will cook and Deepa will come during school holidays. Aunty tell me who is there besides us Aunty see a good work de Masi to BA pass! On my order, my (amar) golden pepper was broken I told Sonali that our fun days are over And the friends who used to have careless fun in my (amar) house turned into disappointment with their girlfriends. Aunty was not so old that life was over Just finished 40 But to keep such a good woman in the house is to intrude on one’s privacy My (amar) chest melted after hearing my aunt’s cry on the phone When my (amar) puji is almost finished to pay aunty’s debt, I got a phone call from aunty’s daughter’s school to pay next year’s tuition fee. A lot of money has been spent I broke some black money of the savings and sent it as a draft Although I have love for my aunt, now I am not young anymore Grandfather and father made all the arrangements and sold aunt’s belongings in Calcutta Aunt came to my (amar) flat with Bochka Buchki My (amar) hellish day has begun It is not possible to make masi understand that I(ami) is not happy at all Some friends used to come to eat, they also came back What I used to see in Masi as a child now Masi has changed a lot Beautiful face with charm, my (amar) aunt is already 5’5 tall He used to boycott his hair earlier But now long hair braids An extraordinary beauty in a beautiful face Not particularly fat looking But when you bend down, heavy breasts come out Or wet cloth floats on wide hips cloth I have never seen this before but now aunty is always in front so it is noticeable Aunt ever make me (amake) Roni, Or Ranjan or Suranjan called by all names He used to cook me in the morning and give me tiffin Honestly, I used to get so much satisfaction from my aunt’s cooking that I would forget everything else Standing next to aunty in this way, aunty used to express a lot of gratitude in front of me(amar) which I(ami) didn’t want or liked. It’s like I (ami) was running a kind of aunt’s family Two weeks have passed and aunty has come Aunt sometimes talks to mom and dad on my (amar) phone A girl who drinks alcohol and flirts with people Sonali chose Rahul to satisfy her body’s hunger Rahul is a colleague of mine Sonali was walking behind like a dog When he got a chance, he used my (amar’s) weakness and started cheating on Sonali. A month passed by doing office work The money did not reach the hands I thought to myself that after 9 o’clock aunty stays in her own room Watching TV or reading a book . If I bring it as a friend, what is the harm? And the aunt’s house is in the south balcony I (ami) leave two houses in the north Two kitchens two bathrooms Aunty’s room Aunty’s bathroom How long will this continue If you smell the food even after eating it Either aunty could not understand my (amar) problem or aunty understood but was helpless He started harassing me (amake) for work I thought a lot and saw that if my aunt goes to work, I (amar) will have at least a little benefit But I will send such a widow to any office Everyone will knock thinking that there is no one Great thought Last month I told ZBM of my(amar) bank and entered my(amar) bank as staff in this month. Condition: No one in the office should say that I am his nephew Because I am (ami) the bank manager if everyone knows that Roma is my (amar) aunt then I (amar) will have a lot of trouble. Besides, aunty is a normal staff, I am the boss Anyway, aunty joins the work He breathed a sigh of relief I (ami) regained much of my personal life Two more months passed If my (amar) dhon was steep, I would go to a cheap hotel I used to smoke cigarettes at home And recently I started eating at home Since aunt’s child’s education was going on with my (amar) money, aunt’s mood started to change. I didn’t like so much modesty This is like a servant of the Lord Even if no one said anything to anyone, the connection between aunt and me (amar) decreased so much that only my (amar) needs and wants were talked about. I(ami) did not know how much my(amar) busyness was responsible for this She didn’t want to stay at home on holidays There was a car One day, I told my aunt to learn to drive here for the sake of using the car I (amar) don’t have to ignore the market If my (amar) dhon was steep, I would go to a cheap hotel I used to smoke cigarettes at home And recently I started eating at home Since aunt’s child’s education was going on with my (amar) money, aunt’s mood started to change. I didn’t like so much modesty This is like a servant of the Lord Even if no one said anything to anyone, the connection between aunt and me (amar) decreased so much that only my (amar) needs and wants were talked about. I(ami) did not know how much my(amar) busyness was responsible for this She didn’t want to stay at home on holidays There was a car One day, I told my aunt to learn to drive here for the sake of using the car I (amar) don’t have to ignore the market If my (amar) dhon was steep, I would go to a cheap hotel I used to smoke cigarettes at home And recently I started eating at home Since aunt’s child’s education was going on with my (amar) money, aunt’s mood started to change. I didn’t like so much modesty This is like a servant of the Lord Even if no one said anything to anyone, the connection between aunt and me (amar) decreased so much that only my (amar) needs and wants were talked about. I(ami) did not know how much my(amar) busyness was responsible for this She didn’t want to stay at home on holidays There was a car One day, I told my aunt to learn to drive here for the sake of using the car I (amar) don’t have to ignore the market Started to go I didn’t like so much modesty This is like a servant of the Lord Even if no one said anything to anyone, the connection between aunt and me (amar) decreased so much that only my (amar) needs and wants were talked about. I(ami) did not know how much my(amar) busyness was responsible for this She didn’t want to stay at home on holidays There was a car One day, I told my aunt to learn to drive here for the sake of using the car I (amar) don’t have to ignore the market Started to go I didn’t like so much modesty This is like a servant of the Lord Even if no one said anything to anyone, the connection between aunt and me (amar) decreased so much that only my (amar) needs and wants were talked about. I(ami) did not know how much my(amar) busyness was responsible for this She didn’t want to stay at home on holidays There was a car One day, I told my aunt to learn to drive here for the sake of using the car I (amar) don’t have to ignore the market

Auntie bowed her head and said, I will look for it tomorrow! I (ami) got annoyed and said, “Hey, I have to find out why there is Bishuda, then he will teach me everything!” Aunt went quietly to her room Vishudai is my (amar) driver That Saturday night, I was bored at home and called the party My (amar) special friend Shaibal Barun his cheating partner Ritika and Charu Ritika is a Khanki girl He will sleep with whomever he can eat Even if you don’t like him, Barun is my (amar) good friend I could not agree Charu has come to our branch for 1 month Great beauty but has sweat and doesn’t want to sleep easily with anyone Everyone is laughing and joking in my living room Charu came on my (amar) call Otherwise, he does not go to any party easily The little aunt has already understood that the bottle of wine has arrived Because I (ami) took two bottles of wine and left them in the fridge Aunt stays at home in saree And if you wear a saree, you will look more beautiful Barun Charu was shocked to see the month I have to break down their mistakes and say everything in brief Auntie said to make Charu happy, today is a party! Aunt laughed softly and left the room He called me and said to make a little pakora for you (tomar)? I (ami) said wow that’s fine, if you (tomar) get bored with your (tomar) chatter you can go to your (tomar) room. Aunty said no, I (amar) have no problem, whatever you want Will I cook something at night? I (amar) felt happy Will anyone eat anything at night? My (amar) aunt can cook very well Ritika and Varun will go home Barun did not agree to eat after much insistence Charu says non-veg will do whatever he wants Aunty cook for me (amar) and charu, chicken achari, and paratha and raita haan pakora hurry up! Aunt nodded her head in agreement and went to the kitchen We started eating Barun Charu both smoke cigarettes Even though my aunt entered with permission, the cigarette was burning in my (amar) hand It would be wrong to say that I (amar) was not addicted Varun and Ritika began to earnestly go To tell the truth, I (amar) do not remember who praised the pakoras Last Aries Barun and Ritika went out for sex I (amar) had no difficulty in understanding Now I (ami) and Charu Charu Darun Jumpesh Mal I (ami) started the story Charu open fair but people understand My (amar) post is high, so even if you agree with me (amake), it is difficult to understand what is on his mind So the conversation started in a normal way Great jumping material I (ami) started the story Charu open fair but people understand My (amar) post is high, so even if you agree with me (amake), it is difficult to understand what is on his mind So the conversation started in a normal way Great jumping material I (ami) started the story Charu open fair but people understand My (amar) post is high, so even if you agree with me (amake), it is difficult to understand what is on his mind So the conversation started in a normal way

Charu continues to talk and informs that he has come from Bangalore to Kolkata not only on transfer, but his father has also come on transfer. He also studied in Bangalore When I (ami) asked about marriage, Charu ran away What marriage?

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My line is like Charu I was taking a good look at her body while eating She is beautiful, but she has no fat in her belly Nettle my, a little brown spot on both sides of the face Cut hair locks She wants to kiss her neck when she sees it Well, who will finish this bottle? Why don’t you call your (tomar) month here? I (ami) understood that charur mal was well drunk If you call aunty here, you will be unprepared But satanic intelligence woke up If Masi sits here then Masi will not be able to tell anything about my life journey to mom or baba. And in any way if I can bring Charu or someone else to apply then the aunt’s mouth will be closed I provoked Charu and said that Aunty may not be ashamed if I (ami) call her Rather than that, you take it by force OK OK I go! Charu got up and went towards aunt’s house After cooking, aunty is sitting in her room with TV I noticed Charu’s walk It was a bit difficult Like seeing Charu’s hips In tight jeans, the hips are rounded and swollen upwards I(ami) know Aunt Hargis won’t come I (amar) felt a little guilty Partying at home is probably not right

As soon as I finished the peg with a cigarette, my (amar) eyes widened Charu has brought the aunt by force Masi looked very incongruous in this environment. Indian sex stories

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