mother became wife of servant’s son – Desi Sex Stories

My name is Rajashekhar Bose. Everyone called Rajan. I am 30 years old, tall 5 feet 11 inch slim fit Joan. I recently got a job in Jalpaiguri. I have been here for a year. Not married yet. So, I live alone in a one-room house at one end of Jalpaiguri town. There are no houses around my house, only fields-canals-bills. desi sex stories

As a boy, I am very horny, an expert in Kamalila. I’ve had a lot of sex since I was a teenager. Now at this young age more fucking cum. Every day after office, Magi have to fuck. I prefer to fuck older women. A middle-aged 40+ woman with a heavy body and thick milk-ass is more adept as a fucking partner. So, got here a middle aged working woman. Who lived in my house, and whom I used to fuck day and night every day after returning from office.

incest choti My family has to say only my widowed mother. Mother’s name is Ramarani Devi. Everyone knows Rama Devi. Mother’s age is 47 years. Lives in village house. In a small village in East Medinipur, he takes care of the land and farm work. Shyamla Bengali widow woman It has been 15 years since my father died. I am mother’s only son. I grew up in a hostel, away from my family, from that teenage age due to education and work.

Although my mother is brunette, her body is very attractive. Dobka is a mature woman with a height of 5 feet 4 inches. Huge big breasts, and a heavy body with a gourd-like ass.

Suddenly one day mother called and said, she will come to my place to stay. He does not like the lonely life in his village of Midnipur. From now Jalpaiguri will be with the son. Will accompany the only son. The family will fill the separated son with mother’s love and compassion. incest choti

After two days mother came. Mother took all the responsibilities of the family starting from cooking. It felt good to eat mother’s cooking, the body became stronger. But I have a habit of fucking every day. So upset. Me and mother sleep in the same room. I don’t get a chance to fuck a working woman avoiding mother’s eyes.

Anyway one night I got up and went to the kitchen where the maid was sleeping. Seeing her I asked her to suck my cock. Zhi Magi said – Grandfather, if Kakima wakes up.

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Me – So I asked to just suck it out. I can’t live without that. How long will I suffer? Ne chosh is good. Calm down by sucking my milk.

Jhi magi sucked my cock and let out the material. And I came again and lay down next to my mother.

I went to the office the next morning. Back home when I go to take bath I see mother Rama Devi bringing bath water.

Me- Mom, why you? Where is the job? incest choti

Mother – I forbade him to come to work from today. He doesn’t need me now. It’s just a waste of money. There is no need to have an outside girl in the mother-batter world of two, honey.

Our bathroom is too small. So when mother entered the bathroom and bent down to give water, mother’s big ass started rubbing my basin. As I move, mom pulls back and rubs my shin.

The next day in the same way at the time of the bath he rubbed my face again. My Dhon Babaji is completely upright. Then when I started taking a bath, mother said – listen Rajan, I have clothes inside. Give it to the roof.

I didn’t notice until now. Now I saw my wet bra and panty inside. I smelled them. My washing stopped. By looking at the size of the bra-panty, I understood that there is a huge treasure behind them. Then I gave them to my mother. incest choti

That night my Dobka Rama Devi mother saw me wearing only a shade and a towel and gave me food. And said – Ish Rajan, is it hot here honey? Clothes can no longer be worn. From now on I think I will stay at home like this. There is no one else at home except you and me, what will I do with so many clothes.

The towel covers a small part of the mother’s soft body, the large, dome-shaped breasts. The deep hollow between the mother’s breasts, the light hair in the broad armpits under the thick arms, the flat stomach like the belly of a cuttle fish, the deep navel are all visible.

And the shade is so thin of white color that the bottomless juicy pit between mother’s heavy thighs is visible. It is understood – mother did not even wear panties under the shade. Light hairs on the sides of the vagina are also evident.

Being a village woman, regular cosmetics and makeup do not fall on the mother’s body. However, the mother’s desire for the youthful glow of the past has become more open. Hardworking woman, 47 years old, so fit. After eating fresh ghee-butter-milk, milk-butt-stomach body everything became juicy. incest choti

Another notable feature of Ma’s body is her wavy long hair. Always keeps it hidden. It is so thick. This khapota suits the mother’s brunette heavy body. It is wonderful to see the mother’s khopa with her hands raised and her armpits raised.

After eating, I turned off the light in the room and turned on the light blue egg light. Dim light dark environment. With the fan turned up, we slept in the same bed, mother and son. I sleep with only lungi on Adul Gaye. Meanwhile, my situation is very bad. Because what happens when my age is 47 years, my figure is very attractive to me since morning. Mar figure 40-38-42. It seems that meeting Kamdevi, the body is made for honeyed lust. So I started to think of Rama Devi Maa as Dhon’s Kamdevi.

I lay in bed thinking about my mother’s behavior for the last two days. Sleep is not coming for a long time. Because on the other hand, Jhi Magi of work is not being fucked and on the other hand, the proximity of sexy, sweet mother. Under the lungi, my dhon baba ji patted a palm tree. Flowing to enter the hole.

Needless to say, there is only one double bed in my one room. Soft mattress bed on teak wood. Specially made for fucking. Since mom came to have a bed, we sleep in the same bed mother and son. incest choti

Meanwhile on the bed sensual, half-naked mother’s body smell of desire alcohol I can not sleep. Mother lay on her back in front of me. So, seeing the mother’s butt, thin shoulders, folded back, big hair, Dhon wants to tear off the lungi. I couldn’t stay any longer and started rubbing my cock on Ma’s wide horny ass. And very slowly I put my hand on the mother’s milk from behind. So that my mother does not wake up. Suddenly the mother said – what is going on Rajan? I was very nervous. I see mom didn’t sleep.

Mom turned her back to me. Udom milk without mother’s towel, lustful look in front of me. Mother smiled wistfully at the tabu khata minar under my lungi.

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Mom – I see my son has grown up. By saying this mother held my cock on the lungi. I felt both a little shame and a little fear. I started to cry.

Mom, why is it so big? Let’s do a little test – so mother took off my lungi and made me very long He stuffed my 8 inch doggy cock in his mouth and started sucking it. I’m frolicking comfortably and pressing milk like a mountain of milk in two pairs. incest choti

After a while, I pulled mom up and crushed her well and filled her lips with kisses. I filled my lips with my lips and sucked hard. Then I rubbed my tongue with my mother and kissed her passionately. I sucked my mother’s face, eyes, forehead, ears and legs with saliva.

After that, I licked the sweat accumulated between the throat, neck, milk. I started sucking huge 40 size milk. I am sucking everything in mother’s body by sucking black drops. Sometimes, I lift both hands up and lick the sweat with light armpit hair. Biting my cheek.

Mother’s heavy body and my ripe fit body what a wrestling match on the bed. Once I am going from one side of the bed to the other side of the bed. Again, mother and son are coming here from that side. Both mother and son’s bodies are silent in sweat. The smell of mother’s sweaty lust made Joan’s son more horny. The whole body of the mother licks like a crazy mouse, sweat and saliva.

After kissing, licking, then mother started sucking the head very hard. Sucking is sucking. I also started sucking my mother’s milk bottle. I untied the lace of my petticoat with one hand. I lifted the mother’s big ass and pulled out the petticoat and made the mother completely naked. I continued to see the beauty of my mother’s youthful body. incest choti

After that, I started cutting the balls of my stomach. I realized that the suction tape was very hot. Then we entered the 69 position and inserted the tongue into my pussy. My pussy is full of juice. I put my tongue in and started licking and Mom kept sucking my cock. Ma- Ahhhh Sona lick it well, Kam kept shouting.

I roll my tongue around sucking and licking the pussy. Mom let go of my cock and started jerking like crazy.

Mother- Ahhhh what did you suck? Did you bring happiness in my life? Now put your money in, honey. Manavre chude de ter mother’s life-youth.

I did not waste any more time and set the dish on Mar Gude. And gave a ramthap. The whole cock went into Ma’s wet pussy. After being silent for a while I slowly started thrusting mother in my preferred missionary position. Mom started to enjoy my pussy too.

Me- mother did I hurt you?

I want to take the pain you have given me for the rest of my life. Don’t stop, keep going.

I raised my legs and started to beat them. Mao started to thump and make noises like ahhhhhh uhhhhhhh ummmmmmm. incest choti

Meanwhile Rama Devi is licking mother’s lips, throat, mouth and ears like crazy. Sucking I’m pressing milk, sucking. I raised both hands and licked my mother’s lustful juicy armpits. I am sucking and licking the drops of milk from the armpit with my teeth.

I picked up the pace. Mother said with a sigh, “Jode jode ko son”. Crack my mouth. Ah, what happiness you are giving my Lakshmi son.

Saying that, the mother drained the water from the vagina. My pussy became more slippery. I started to fuck my mother with my double step. Meanwhile, I am also almost too excited. My goods do not come out in less than half an hour. On this day, it was getting more and more late to get a juicy female body like mother.

Fucking with an experienced fuck artist like my mother is making the news. This elephant mother’s ripe cunt has to be pounded with all her might. Mom is making fun of Dhon’s journey by tightening around the vagina. On him, sucking, licking, biting my lips, cheeks, mouth, throat. desi sex story

The mother was holding both legs with heavy thighs and buttocks on both sides. Suddenly, mother clamped her thick legs around my waist and scissored it violently. He raised both hands around my shoulders and hugged my neck. On my lips mother started kissing her lips, tongue full of passion.

Crazed with cum, I started pushing my cock harder and harder. I’m fucking like a madman. Made exactly to the size of my penis like mother’s ghee ghee.

Mother says – fuck your own mother. Vibrant sex. Sonare, fuck like you and sometimes payneer. Make your mother your wife.

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